My Pappy retired from BNSF after nearly 44 years of service. We had a party for him. I enjoyed eating his "retire cake" and spending time with my family.
Here is my Cousin Evan and Me with Pappy at his party.
Grandma and Pappy came with us to the pumpkin patch near wear they live. I had a blast climbing on things, jumping around, and sliding down long tubes.
My parents and great-grandma took me to the zoo to see all the animals in October. It was a beautiful day. I sure thought this camel looked funny with it's two humps.
This was my favorite part of the day getting to feed the giraffes. They sure had long tongues!
Me riding one of the animal statues since I couldn't ride any of the real ones. I liked crawling through this tunnel on the way out of the zoo. I sure laughed alot!